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FR-4X Level 2 - Kevin Solecki
FR-4X Level 2 - Kevin Solecki
What is the IDEAS Faculty Scholar Program?
Starting with 2019 at Symposium 2.0, Joe Natoli and Michael Soloway, as the co-founders and co-directors of IDEAS (The International Digital Electronic Accordion Society) had decided to distinguish those members whose activities and history with digital accordion are stellar and involved – those who have supported the project since its inception; working with us to build the community all over the world. IDEAS Scholars are deeply involved in the playing, performing, creation, and teaching of digital/electronic accordions.
The position is a lifetime honorary appointment to the Symposium Faculty, and as IDEAS grows and continues to expand, our IDEAS SCHOLARS will form an impressive gallery and will become an increasing part of the history of an already historic organization and society. In normal non-pandemic years, the award will be presented at the final celebration dinner on the final evening of the Symposium. Sam Falcetti of Falcetti Music had been chosen for the 2019 IDEAS Faculty Scholar and Marco Cinaglia of Proxima Digital Accordion had been chosen as the 2020 IDEAS Faculty Scholar. IDEAS was extremely pleased to continue this program of honor and history for the third year, and proud to have Michael Soloway as its 3rd recipient for 2021. Congratulations Sam, Marco, and Michael !!
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